

Explanation from Harvard CS Course

Control access to a critical region

  • Memory accesses of all processes happen in program order (a partial order, many interleavings)
    • An execution history defines a total order of memory accesses
  • Some subsets of memory accesses (issued by the same process) need to happen atomically (thread A’s memory accesses may not be interleaved with other thread’s accesses)
    • To achieve linearizability!
    • We need to restrict the valid executions
  • → Requires synchronization of some sort
    • Many possible techniques (e.g., TM, CAS, T&S, …)
    • We first discuss locks which have wait semantics


What must the functions lock and unlock guarantee?

  1. prevent two threads from simultaneously entering CR
    • i.e., accesses to CR must be mutually exclusive!
  2. ensure consistent memory
    • i.e., stores must be globally visible before new lock is granted!

Lock Overview

Lock/unlock or acquire/release

  • Lock/acquire: before entering CR
  • Unlock/release: after leaving CR


  • Lock/unlock pairs must match
  • Between lock/unlock, a thread holds the lock

Desired Lock Properties

  • Mutual exclusion
    • Only one thread is in the critical region
  • Consistency
    • Memory operations are visible when critical region is left
  • Progress
    • If any thread a is not in the critical region, it cannot prevent another thread b from entering
  • Starvation-freedom (implies deadlock-freedom)
    • If a thread is requesting access to a critical region, then it will eventually be granted access
  • Fairness
    • A thread a requested access to a critical region before thread b. Was it also granted access to this region before b?
  • Performance
    • Scaling to large numbers of contending threads

Hardware atomic operations

  • Test&Set
    • Write const to memory while returning the old value
  • Atomic swap
    • Atomically exchange memory and register
  • Fetch&Op
    • Get value and apply operation to memory location
  • Compare&Swap
    • Compare two values and swap memory with register if equal
  • Load-linked/Store-Conditional LL/SC (or load-acquire (LDA) store-release (STL) on ARM)
    • Loads value from memory,
    • allows operations,
    • commits only if no other updates committed
      • →mini-TM
  • Intel TSX (transactional synchronization)

“consensus number” C

if a primitive can be used to solve the “consensus problem” in a finite number of steps (even if threads stop)

  • atomic registers have C=1 (thus locks have C=1!)
  • TAS, Swap, Fetch&Op have C=2
  • CAS, LL/SC, TM have C=∞

Test-and-Set Locks

Test-and-Set semantics

  • Memoize old value
  • Set fixed value TASval (true)
  • Return old value After execution:
  • Post-condition is a fixed (constant) value!
bool TestAndSet (bool *flag) {
    bool old = *flag;
    *flag = true;
    return old;
} // all atomic!

On x86, the XCHG instruction is used to implement TAS

  • x86 lock is implicit in xchg! Cacheline is read and written
  • Ends up in modified state, invalidates other copies
  • Cacheline is “thrown” around uselessly
  • High load on memory subsystem
    • x86 lock is essentially a full memory barrier

Test-and-Test-and-Set (TATAS) Locks

Spinning in TAS is not a good idea Spin on cache line in shared state

  • All threads at the same time, no cache coherency/memory traffic


  • Efficient but use with great care!
  • Generalizations are very dangerous

Do TATAS locks still have contention?

  • When lock is released, k threads fight for cache line ownership
  • One gets the lock, all get the CL exclusively (in M state, sequentially!)
  • What would be a good solution?
    • think “collision avoidance”

TAS Lock with Exponential Backoff

Exponential backoff eliminates contention statistically

  • Locks granted in unpredictable order
  • Starvation possible but unlikely
  • shutup How can we make it even less likely? shutup

Maximum waiting time makes it less likely

TAS locks issues

  • Cache coherency traffic (contending on same location with expensive atomics) – or –
  • Critical section underutilization (waiting for backoff times will delay entry to CR)


Queue locks – Threads enqueue

  • Learn from predecessor if it’s my turn
  • Each threads spins at a different location
  • FIFO fairness

Array Queue Lock

  • Array to implement queue
  • Tail-pointer shows next free queue position
  • Each thread spins on own location (use CL padding!)
  • index[] array can be put in TLS

What’s wrong?

  • Synchronizing M objects requires Θ(NM) storage


CLH Lock (1993)

  • List-based (same queue principle)

  • 2N+3M words
    • N threads, M locks
  • Requires thread-local qnode pointer
    • Can be hidden!


Qnode objects represent thread state!

  • succ_blocked == 1 if waiting or acquired lock
  • succ_blocked == 0 if released lock

List is implicit!

  • One node per thread
  • Spin location changes → NUMA issues (in cacheless systems)

MCS Lock (1991)

Make queue explicit

  • Acquire lock by appending to queue
  • Spin on own node until locked is reset

Similar advantages as CLH but

  • Only 2N + M words
  • Spinning position is fixed! Benefits cache-less NUMA

What are the issues?

  • Releasing lock spins
  • More atomics! shutup shutup

Reader-Writer Locks

Allows multiple concurrent reads

  • Multiple reader locks concurrently in CR
  • Guarantees mutual exclusion between writer and writer locks and reader and writer locks


  • read_(un)lock()
  • write_(un)lock() shutup Seems efficient!?
  • Is it? What’s wrong?
  • Polling CAS! Is it fair?
  • Readers are preferred!
  • Can always delay writers (again and again and again)

Fighting CPU waste: Condition Variables

Allow threads to yield CPU and leave the OS run queue

  • Other threads can get them back on the queue!

  • cond_wait(cond, lock) – yield and go to sleep
  • cond_signal(cond) – wake up sleeping threads

  • Wait and signal are OS calls
  • Often expensive, which one is more expensive?
    • Wait, because it has to perform a full context switch

When to Spin and When to Block?

Spinning consumes CPU cycles but is cheap

  • “Steals” CPU from other threads

Blocking has high one-time cost and is then free

  • Often hundreds of cycles (trap, save TCB …)
  • Wakeup is also expensive (latency)
    • Also cache-pollution


  • Poll for a while and then block

But what is a “while”?

Optimal time depends on the future

  • When will the active thread leave the CR?
  • Can compute optimal offline schedule
    • Q: What is the optimal offline schedule (assuming we know the future, i.e., when the lock will become available)?
  • Actual problem is an online problem

Competitive algorithms

  • An algorithm is c-competitive if for a sequence of actions x and a constant a holds:
    • $C(x) ≤ c\cdot C_{opt}(x) + a$
  • What would a good spinning algorithm look like and what is the competitiveness?

Competitive Spinning

If T is the overhead to process a wait, then a locking algorithm that spins for time T before it blocks is 2-competitive!

If randomized algorithms are used, then $e/(e-1)$-competitiveness $(~1.58)$ can be achieved

Coarse vs. Fine Grained Locks

Where do we put locks in a program? And how many locks should there be? These questions have motivated the designs of several different locks and synchronization mechanisms.

The most basic choice is between having few coarse-grained locks and many fine-grained locks. To summarize the advantages and disadvantages:

Few coarse-grained locks (1 lock protects many resources)

  • Correctness is easier (with only one lock, there’s less chance of grabbing the wrong lock, and less risk of deadlock)
  • Performance is lower (not much concurrency)

Many fine-grained locks (1 lock protects a small number of resources)

  • Good concurrency/parallelism = good performance
  • Correctness is harder (it’s easier to make a mistake and forget to grab the lock required to access a resource)
  • Higher overhead from having many locks

To achieve greater concurrency – and often better performance – we can move to finer-grained locks. Rather than protecting all system resources, each fine-grained lock will protect a single resource, or a small number of them. Rather than holding a lock for a long time (as above, where a process holds the whole-system lock for as long as it runs), each process will hold this lock for as little time as possible while still providing protection. In this example, we might have a lock that protects buffer accesses; each process grabs the lock, writes a single character into the buffer, releases the lock, and repeats.

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