
Network Measurements


While network verification helps ensuring reachability, it does not (always) guarantee it in practice.

It does not always scale

  • might not be able to verify large-scale networks

It only verifies properties according to a formal model

  • does not capture everything, e.g. runtime issues

It only works within a network

  • yet, all networks on the path need to be correct


A network connection is characterized by its delay, loss rate, and throughput.

How long does it take for a packet to reach the destination?

What fraction of packets sent to a destination are dropped?

At what rate is the destination receiving data from the source?

These are only network-level metrics though. In practice, measurements are pervasive across the entire stack.

LayerWhat we measure
ApplicationQuality of experience
TransportTCP parameters, completion times, fairness metrics, …
NetworkDelay, loss, throughput, routing tables, end-to-end paths, …
LinkInterface metrics (e.g. buffer space, error rates)
PhysicalSignal-to-Noise ratio, power consumption, …


Many entities measure different aspects of the network, and for different purposes. For example,

  • Applications:
    • server selection, bitrate adaptation
  • End users:
    • debugging, SLA verification
  • Intermediate networks:
    • debugging, SLA monitoring, capacity planning
  • Researchers:
    • protocol architecture, infrastructure design, network mapping

Different entities differ in:

1. number of vantage points they can directly
run measurements from.
2. number of layers they can directly measure/observe.shutup


Different measurement tools exist depending on the property of interest, such as:


Large-scale measurement platforms allow you to run and/or collect measurements from a large set of vantage points.


We’ll now focus on two fundamental (tend to happen independently of the measurement tasks, tools, or platforms) problems in network measurements.

#1There is too much data to export, store, and processApproximate
#2There is not enough data to accurately measure property xInfer
while maintaining accuracy

We’ll look at probabilistic data structures that enable to trade accuracy for memory, in a controlled way.

Applications of knowing the Internet topology

Knowing the Internet topology has plenty of useful applications: shutup

PerformanceHow does my client’s traffic reach me?
How should I change my policy
to improve performance?
CDNs want their clients to use performant
paths, The CDN doesn’t know which routes
will its clients select
SecurityIs this a valid BGP route origin and path?
Is this path compliant with the policies
of en-route ASes?
Is the route [6,7] legit for reaching AS101’s
ReliabilityAre my routes sharing a single point of failure?
Do I have enough redundancy for
my customers to reach me?
AS6 is a single point of failure though…
PrivacyDoes this route pass through a country I do not
want? How should I change my policy
to improve my privacy?
AS101 doesn’t want its traffic to cross the
country in which AS6 is located

Knowing the annotated Internet topology has plenty of applications, but directly measuring such a topology is impossible.

  • There is no central authority in the Internet
    • each AS is free to do as it pleases
  • ASes have no incentives sharing their policies
    • think of them as trade secret
  • The Internet topology is huge and ever-changing
    • even if we could measure it, it would be too costly

What we do have though are the BGP routes seen on a few hundreds of BGP sessions scattered around the globe, such as the RIPE RIS dataset and the Routeviews dataset.

Locating performance issues from end-to-end measurements

Not all links in the Internet perform adequately:

lossy” links in orange
non-lossy” links in green
  • As user traffic crosses these links, their performance degrades.
    • Upon experiencing performance issues, can users precisely locate which links are the culprit?
  • One could try using tools like traceroute
    • but… ISPs may not reply to traceroute packets
  • One could try inferring the problematic links from the observed performance

Approximating Measurements

You are looking at a stream of data. There are many questions you might ask: in networking, we usually talk about streams of packets, but these questions apply to other domains as well, e.g. search engines and databases.

  • Is a certain element (e.g. ip address) in the stream?
    • Bloom Filter
  • How frequently does an element appear?
    • Count Sketch, CountMin Sketch, …
  • How many distinct elements are in the stream?
    • HyperLogLog Sketch, …
  • What are the most frequent elements?

There are two common strategies to implement a set:

 strategy #1strategy #2
number of required operationsProbabilisticDeterministic


With N elements and M cells, we’ll have a
list size of $\frac N M$ in average, and of $N$ in the worst-case.

Pros: accurate and fast in the average case.
Con: only works in hardware if there is
   a low number of elements (e.g. $< 100$).

Probabilistic Data Structures

Pros: simple and only one operation per insertion or query.

Con: roughly $100$x more cells are required than the number of element we want to store for a 1% false positive rate.


Bloom Filters

Idea: use multiple hashes at the same time.

  • An element is considered in the set if all the hash values map to a cell with 1
  • An element is not in the set if at least one hash value maps to a cell with 0

Pro: consumes roughly 10x less memory than the simple approach.

Con: Requires slightly more operations than the simple approach (7 hashes instead of just 1).


Dimension your Bloom Filter


$N$ elements, $M$ cells, $K$ hash functions, $FP$ false positive rate


There is always a global minimum when $K=(\ln (2))(\frac M N)$ found by taking the derivative of $\approx (1-e^{-K \frac N M} )^K$


  • Depending on the hardware limitations, splitting the bloom filter might be required.
    • $M$ cells are split into $\frac M K$ disjoint groups
  • An element is hashed to $K$ cells, one in each group
  • One hash function per group
  • About same performance, may be easier to implement or parallelize

Because deletions are not possible, the controller may need to regularly reset the bloom filters. Resetting a bloom filter takes some time during which it is not usable.

Common trick: use 2 bloom filters and use one when the controller resets the other one.

Bloom filters may be extended to allow deletions and to list the filter content.

CountMin Sketch

How frequently does an element appear? We are going to look at frequencies, i.e. how often an element occurs in a data stream.


In the worst case, an algorithm providing
exact frequencies requires linear space.

Probabilistic data-structures can help again! shutup

A CountMin sketch is designed to have provable L1 error bounds for frequency queries.

shutupLet $‖x‖_1 =10000 , ε= 0.01 , δ= 0.05$.
Then, after counting 10 000 elements in total,
the probability for any estimate to be off
by more than 100 is less than 5%.

A CountMin Sketch uses multiple arrays and hashes. shutup

To count, increment all hash-indexed fields by 1.


Hash collisions cause over-counting. Returning the minimum value minimizes the error. shutup

A CountMin sketch recipe



Sketches have limitations. They compute statistical summaries and favour elements with high frequency. shutup


Error relative to stream size: $1\%$ flow size: $x_a: 10\%, x_b: 200\%$

Other problems a sketch can’t handle: causality, patterns, rare things.


Probabilistic data structures provide trade-offs between resources and error, and provable guarantees to rely on.

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