
Cache coherence

Cache coherence is a fundamental concept in computer architecture, particularly in systems with multiple processors or cores that share access to a common memory.

In a multi-processor system, each processor often has its own cache memory to store frequently used data for faster access. Cache coherence ensures that all processors observe a consistent view of memory, despite the presence of individual caches.

The need for cache coherence arises because each processor can have a local copy of a portion of the main memory in its cache. When one processor updates or modifies its local copy, other processors should be made aware of this change to maintain a consistent and correct view of the shared memory.


  • Which one is valid after local updates?
    • Cache coherence manages the existence of multiple copies
Exclusive Hierarchical CachesShared Hierarchical CachesShared Hierarchical Caches with MT

Cache coherence requirements

A memory system is coherent if it guarantees the following:

  • Write propagation (updates are eventually visible to all readers)
  • Write serialization (writes to the same location must be observed in order)

Everything else: memory model issues.

Write-through Cache

  1. CPU0 reads X from memory
    • loads X=0 into its cache
  2. CPU1 reads X from memory
    • loads X=0 into its cache
  3. CPU0 writes X=1
    • stores X=1 in its cache
    • stores X=1 in memory
  4. CPU1 reads X from its cache
    • loads X=0 from its cache
    • CPU1 may wait for update!


Requires write propagation!

Write-back Cache

  1. CPU0 reads X from memory
    • loads X=0 into its cache
  2. CPU1 reads X from memory
    • loads X=0 into its cache
  3. CPU0 writes X=1
    • stores X=1 in its cache
  4. CPU1 writes X =2
    • stores X=2 in its cache
  5. CPU1 writes back cache line
    • stores X=2 in in memory
  6. CPU0 writes back cache line
    • stores X=1 in memory

Later store X=2 from CPU1 lost

Requires write serialization!

Cache coherence protocols

Programmers can hardly deal with unpredictable behavior!

  • Cache controller maintains data integrity
  • All writes to different locations are visible


  • Through a shared bus or (broadcast) network, the cache controller “snoops” all transactions
  • Monitors and changes the state of the cache’s data
  • Works at small scale, challenging at large-scale


  • Record information necessary to maintain coherence
    • e.g., owner and state of a line etc.
  • Central/Distributed directory for cache line ownership
  • Scalable but more complex/expensive
    • e.g., Intel Xeon Phi KNC

Cache Coherence Parameters


  • Performance
  • Implementation cost (chip space, more important: dynamic energy)
  • Correctness
  • (Memory model side effects)


  • Detection
    • when does a controller need to act?
  • Enforcement
    • how does a controller guarantee coherence?
  • Precision of block sharing (per block, per sub-block?)
  • Block size
    • cache line size?

Problem 1: Stale reads

Cache 1 holds value that was already modified in cache 2.

  • Disallow this state
  • Invalidate all remote copies before allowing a write to complete

Problem 2: Lost update

Incorrect write back of modified line writes main memory in different order from the order of the write operations or overwrites neighboring data


Disallow more than one modified copy

Invalidation vs. update


On each write of a shared line, it has to invalidate copies in remote caches

Simple implementation for bus-based systems:

  1. Each cache snoops
  2. Invalidate lines written by other CPUs
  3. Signal sharing for cache lines in local cache to other caches

Only write misses hit the bus (works with write-back caches)

  • Subsequent writes to the same cache line are local
    • → Good for multiple local writes to the same line (in the same cache)


Local write updates copies in remote caches

  • Can update all CPUs at once
  • Multiple writes cause multiple updates (more traffic)

All sharers continue to hit cache line after one core writes

Implicit assumption: shared lines are accessed often

  • Supports producer-consumer pattern well
  • Many (local) writes may waste bandwidth!

Hybrid forms are possible!

MESI Cache Coherence aka. “Illinois protocol”

MESI is a cache coherence protocol used in multiprocessor systems to maintain consistency among caches. The name MESI is an acronym that stands for the four possible states that a cache line can be in:

  1. Modified (M):
    • The cache line is present in the cache, and it has been modified.
    • This means that the data in the cache differs from the data in the main memory.
    • Memory is stale
  2. Exclusive (E):
    • The cache line is present in the cache, and it’s not present in any other caches.
    • The data in the cache is the same as in the main memory, and no other caches have it.
    • Memory is up to date
  3. Shared (S):
    • The cache line is present in the cache, and it may be present in other caches as well.
    • The data in the cache is consistent with the main memory, and other caches may also have a copy.
    • Memory is up to date
  4. Invalid (I):
    • The cache line is not valid or has been marked as invalid.
    • The data in the cache is not reliable or up-to-date.
    • Line is not in cache

The MESI protocol operates based on a set of rules that govern state transitions in response to read and write operations. Here’s a brief overview of how MESI works:

  • Modified to Shared (Write-back):
    • When a processor writes to a cache line in the Modified state, it must update the main memory with the modified data and change its state to Shared.
      • This ensures that other caches can now have a consistent copy.
  • Exclusive to Modified (Write):
    • If a processor wants to write to a cache line in the Exclusive state, it can do so without checking with other caches since it’s the only cache with that data.
    • The state transitions to Modified.
  • Shared to Invalid (Write):
    • If a processor writes to a cache line in the Shared state, it must invalidate copies in other caches to maintain consistency.
    • The state transitions to Invalid.
  • Any state to Shared (Read):
    • When a processor reads a cache line, it checks if any other caches have a copy.
    • If no other caches have it, the state transitions to Exclusive (if it’s Modified) or remains in Shared.
  • Modified to Invalid (Write-back):
    • If a processor in the Modified state is invalidated by another processor, it must write the modified data back to main memory and change its state to Invalid.


The MESI protocol helps prevent inconsistencies and conflicts in multiprocessor systems by ensuring that caches have a consistent view of shared data. It’s a widely used protocol for maintaining cache coherence due to its simplicity and effectiveness.


Clean line:

  • Content of cache line and main memory is identical (a.k.a memory is up to date)
  • Can be evicted without write-back

Dirty line:

  • Content of cache line and main memory differ (a.k.a memory is stale)
  • Needs to be written back eventually
    • Timing depends on protocol details

Bus transaction:

A signal on the bus that can be observed by all caches, which usually is blocking.

Local read/write:

  • A load/store operation originating at a core connected to the cache.


  • Modified (M): Modified Exclusive
    • No copies in other caches, local copy dirty
    • Memory is stale, cache supplies copy (reply to BusRd*)
  • Owner (O): Modified Shared
    • Exclusive right to make changes
    • Other S copies may exist (“dirty sharing”)
    • Memory is stale, cache supplies copy (reply to BusRd*)
  • Exclusive (E):
    • Same as MESI
    • (one local copy, up to date memory)
  • Shared (S):
    • Unmodified copy may exist in other caches
    • Memory is up to date unless an O copy exists in another cache
  • Invalid (I):
    • Same as MESI


Same as MESI, but adds:

  • Forward (F):
    • Special form of S state
      • other caches may have line in S
    • Most recent requester of line is in F state
    • Cache acts as responder for requests to this line

Multi-level caches

Most systems have multi-level caches.


only “last level cache” is connected to bus or network

  • Snoop requests are relevant for inner-levels of cache (L1)
  • Modifications of L1 data may not be visible at L2 (and thus the bus)

L1/L2 modifications:

  • On BusRd check if line is in M state in L1
    • It may be in E or S in L2!
  • On BusRdX(*) send invalidations to L1
  • Everything else can be handled in L2

If L1 is write through, L2 could “remember” state of L1 cache line – May increase traffic though

Directory-based cache coherence

Snooping does not scale

  • Bus transactions must be globally visible
  • Implies broadcast
    • Typical solution: tree-based (hierarchical) snooping
  • Root becomes a bottleneck

Directory-based schemes are more scalable

  • Directory (entry for each CL) keeps track of all owning caches
  • Point-to-point update to involved processors
    • No broadcast
    • Can use specialized (high-bandwidth) network, e.g., HT, QPI …

Basic Scheme

System with $N$ processors $P_i$ For each memory block (size: cache line) maintain a directory entry

  • $N$ presence bits
    • Set if block in cache of $P_i$
  • $1$ dirty bit


Read miss

$P_i$ intends to read, but misses.

If dirty bit in the directory is off:

  1. Read from main memory
  2. Set presence[i]
  3. Supply data to reader

If dirty bit is on:

  1. Recall cache line from $P_j$ (determined by presence[])
  2. Update memory
  3. Unset dirty bit, block shared
  4. Set presence[i]
  5. Supply data to reader

Write miss

If dirty bit in the directory is off:

  1. Send invalidations to all processors $P_j$ with presence[j] = 1
  2. Unset presence bit for all processors
  3. Set dirty bit
  4. Set presence[k], owner $P_i$

If dirty bit is on:

  1. Recall cache line from owner $P_j$ (determined by presence[])
  2. Update memory
  3. Unset presence[j]
  4. Set presence[i]
    • Dirty bit remains set
  5. Supply data to writer
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