

Problem: Processor-Memory Bottleneck


Cache Structure




Directly mapped cache:

  • Cache with E=1
  • Every block from memory has a unique location in cache

Fully associative cache:

  • Cache with S=1
  • Every block from memory can be mapped to any location in cache
  • Expensive to build in practice
  • The register file can be viewed as a fully associative cache

LRU Replacement: when selecting which block should be replaced (happens only for E>1), the least recently used one is chosen.

Types of cache misses

Compulsoryoccurs on first access to a block
Capacityoccurs when the working set is larger than the cache
Conflictoccurs when the cache is large enough, but multiple data objects map to the same slot

Write policies


Is Coherence Everything?

  • Coherence is concerned with behavior of individual locations
  • Consider the program (initial X,Y,Z = 0)

shutup shutup

What value will Z on P2 have?

  • Y=10 does not need to have completed before X=2 is visible to P2!
  • This allows P2 to exit the loop and read Y=0
  • This may not be the intent of the programmer!
  • This may be due to congestion (imagine X is pushed to a remote cache while Y misses to main memory) and or due to write buffering, …

What happens when Y and X are on the same cache line (assume simple MESI and no write buffer)?

For the exercises

Number of sets: S = cache_size/(cacheline_size*associativity)

e.g. 2MiB cache, 64B cacheline, 8-way associative:

  • S = 2*1024*1024/(64*8) = 4096

e.g. 256B cache, 32B cacheline, 2-way associative:

  • S = 256/(32*2) = 4

Number of bits for the offset = log2(cacheline_size)

e.g. 64B cacheline: log2(64) = 6

e.g. 32B cacheline: log2(32) = 5

Number of bits for the set = log2(number_of_sets)

Number of bits for the tag = address_size - offset_size - set_size

e.g., 32-bit address, 32B cacheline, 2-way associative: 32 - 5 - 2 = 25

e.g., with a 4KiB memory, 32B cacheline, 2-way associative: 12 - 5 - 2 = 5

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