
Distributed Networking

Bandwidth vs. Latency

Transfer time

\[T(s) = \alpha + \beta s\]
  • $\alpha $ = startup time (latency)
  • $\beta $ = cost per byte (bandwidth = $1/\beta $)

Effective bandwidth of a transfer:

  • $E(s) = s / T(s)$

As $s$ increases, the effective bandwidth approaches $1/\beta $ asymptotically

  • Convergence rate depends on α
  • $s_{1/2} = \alpha /\beta $

Assuming no pipelining (new messages can only be issued from a process after all arrived)

  • Two messages of size s between two processes cost $2(\alpha + s\beta )$
  • Somewhat unrealistic (networks pipeline) but simple for now – we will lift this later!

$s_{1/2} = \alpha /\beta $ is often used to distinguish bandwidth- and latency-bound messages

  • $s_{1/2} $ is in the order of kilobytes on real systems shutup


Simplest linear broadcast

  • One process has a data item to be distributed to all processes

Linearly broadcasting $s$ bytes among $P$ processes:

\[T (s) = (P − 1) ⋅ (\alpha + \beta s) = O(P)\]

k-ary Tree Broadcast

Origin process is the root of the tree, passes messages to $k$ neighbors which pass them on

  • $k=2 \rightarrow$ binary tree

What is the broadcast time in the simple latency/bandwidth model?

  • $T (s) ≈ \log_kP ⋅ k(\alpha + \beta s)$ (for fixed k)
What is the optimal $k$?
\[0 = \frac {k \ln P} {\ln k} \frac {d} {dk} = \frac {\ln P \ln k - \ln P} {\ln^2 k} \rightarrow k = e \approx 2.71\]

Independent of $P, \alpha, \beta, s$?

Faster Trees?

Can we broadcast faster than in a ternary tree?

  • Yes, because each non-leaf processor is idle after sending three messages!
  • Those processors could keep sending!
  • Result is a k-nomial tree
  • For $k=2$, it’s a binomial tree

What about the runtime?

  • $T (s) ≈ \log_kP ⋅ k(\alpha + \beta s)=O(\log P)$

What is the optimal $k$ here?

  • $T(s) \frac d {dk}$ is monotonically increasing for $k>1$, thus $k_{opt}=2$

Can we broadcast faster than in a k-nomial tree?

  • $O(\log P)$ is asymptotically optimal for $s=1$
  • But what about large $s$?

Very Large Message Broadcast

Extreme case (P small, s large): simple pipeline

  • Split message into $P$ segments
  • Send segments from $PE_i$ to $PE_{i+1}$
  • What is the runtime? $T(s) = (P − 1)(\alpha + \frac s P \beta)$

Compare $2$-nomial tree with simple pipeline for $α=10, β=1, P=4, s=10^6$

  • $2,000,020$ vs. $1,000,030$

Can we do better for given $α, β, P, s$?

  • Yes, mix those algorithms – quite complex!

What is a simple lower bound on the broadcast time?

\[T_{BC} \geq\min(\lceil\log_2(P)\rceil\alpha,s\beta)\]

How close are the binomial tree for small messages and the pipeline for large messages (approximately)?

  • Binary tree is a factor of $\log_2(P)$ slower in bandwidth
  • Pipeline is a factor of $\frac P{\log_2(P)}$ slower in latency

What can we do for intermediate message sizes?

  • Combine pipeline and tree → pipelined tree

What is the runtime of the pipelined binary tree algorithm?

\[T \approx (\frac s z \lceil \log_2 P\rceil-2)\cdot2\cdot(\alpha +z\beta)\]

What is the optimal $z$?

\[z_{opt}=\sqrt{\frac {\alpha s} {\beta(\lceil \log_2P \rceil-2)}}\]

Towards an Optimal Algorithm

What is the complexity of the pipelined tree with $z_{opt}$ for small $s$, large $P$ and for large $s$, constant $P$?

  • Small messages, large $P$: $s=1; z=1$ $(s≤z)$, will give $O(\log P)$
  • Large messages, constant $P$: assume $α, β, P$ constant, will give asymptotically $O(sβ)$

Asymptotically optimal for large P and s but bandwidth is off by a factor of 2! Why?


  • In a binomial tree, all leaves ($P/2$) only receive data and never send
    • results in wasted bandwidth
  • Send along two simultaneous binary trees where the leaves of one tree are inner nodes of the other
  • Construction needs to avoid endpoint congestion

The LogP Model

Defined by 4 parameters:

  • L: an upper bound on the latency, or delay, incurred in communicating a message containing a word (or small number of words) from its source module to its target module.
  • o: the overhead, defined as the length of time that a processor is engaged in the transmission or reception of each message; during this time, the processor cannot perform other operations.
  • g: the gap, defined as the minimum time interval between consecutive message transmissions or consecutive message receptions at a processor. The reciprocal of g corresponds to the available per-processor communication bandwidth.
  • P: the number of processor/memory modules. shutup

We assume unit time for local operations and call it a cycle.


Sending a single message$T = 2o+L$
Ping-Pong Round-Trip$T_{RTT} = 4o+2L$
Transmitting n messages$T(n) = L+(n-1)\cdot\max(g, o) + 2o$


  1. $o > g$ on some machines
    • $g$ can be ignored (eliminates max() terms)
    • be careful with multi-core!
  2. Offloading networks might have very low $o$
    • Can be ignored (not yet but hopefully soon)
  3. $L$ might be ignored for long message streams
    • If they are pipelined
  4. Account $g$ also for the first message
    • Eliminates $-1$

Benefits over Latency/Bandwidth Model

Models pipelining

  • $\frac L g$ messages can be “in flight”
  • Captures state of the art (cf. TCP windows)

Models computation/communication overlap

  • Asynchronous algorithms

Models endpoint congestion/overload

  • Benefits balanced algorithms

Example: Broadcasts

What is the LogP running time for a linear broadcast of a single packet?

\[T_{lin} = L + (P-2) * \max(o,g) + 2o\]

Approximate the LogP runtime for a binary-tree broadcast of a single packet?

\[T_{bin} ≤ \log_2P * (L + \max(o,g) + 2o)\]

Approximate the LogP runtime for an k-ary-tree broadcast of a single packet?

\[T_{k-n} ≤ \log_kP * (L + (k-1)\max(o,g) + 2o)\]

Approximate the LogP runtime for a binomial tree broadcast of a single packet (assume $L> g$!)?

\[T_{bin} ≤ \log_2P * (L + 2o)\]

Approximate the LogP runtime for a k-nomial tree broadcast of a single packet?

\[T_{k-n} ≤ \log_kP * (L + (k-2)\max(o,g) + 2o)\]

What is the optimal $k$ (assume $o>g$)?

  • Derive by $k$: $0 = o * \ln(k_{opt}) – L/k_{opt} + o$ (solve numerically)
    • For larger $L$, $k$ grows and for larger $o$, $k$ shrinks
  • Models pipelining capability better than simple model!

Can we do better than $k_{opt}$-ary binomial broadcast?

  • Problem: fixed $k$ in all stages might not be optimal
  • We can construct a schedule for the optimal broadcast in practical settings

Optimal Broadcast

Broadcast to $P-1$ processes

  • each process who received the value sends it on;
  • each process receives exactly once.


Optimal Broadcast Runtime

This determines the maximum number of PEs ($P(t)$) that can be reached in time $t$

  • $P(t)$ can be computed with a generalized Fibonacci recurrence (assuming $o>g$):
\[P(t)=\begin{cases} 1: \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \, \,t<2o+L\\ P(t-o) + P(t-2o-L): t≥2o+L \end{cases}\]
  • which can be bounded by
\[2^{\lfloor \frac {t}{L+2o} \rfloor} ≤P(t)≤2^{\lfloor \frac t o \rfloor}\]
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