
Intro to Parallel Architectures

Higher voltage is needed to drive higher frequency (due to fixed capacitance). Higher voltage also increases static power dissipation (leakage). shutup

Low-Power Design Principles (2005)


Even if each simple core is $1/4$th as computationally efficient as complex core, you can fit hundreds of them on a single chip and still be 100x more power efficient. shutup

Data movement – the wires

Energy Efficiency of copper wire:

  • $Power = Frequency * Length / cross-section-area$
  • Wire efficiency does not improve as feature size shrinks

Energy Efficiency of a Transistor:

  • $Power = V^2 * frequency * Capacitance$
  • Capacitance ~= Area of Transistor
  • Transistor efficiency improves as you shrink it

Net result is that moving data on wires is starting to cost more energy than computing on said data

Pin Limits – cf. Rent’s rule

Moore’s law doesn’t apply to adding pins to package

  • $30\%$ + per year nominal Moore’s Law
  • Pins grow at $~1.5-3\%$ per year at best

$4000$ Pins is aggressive pin package

  • Half of those would need to be for power and ground
  • Of the remaining $2k$ pins, run as differential pairs
  • Beyond 15Gbps per pin power/complexity costs hurt!
  • 10Gpbs * 1k pins is ~1.2TB/sec

$2.5$D Integration gets boost in pin density

  • But it’s a $1$ time boost (how much headroom?)
  • $4$TB/sec? (maybe $8$TB/s with single wire signalling?)


Shared Memory Machine Abstractions

Any Processing Element (PE) can access all memory

  • Any I/O can access all memory (maybe limited)

OS (resource management) can run on any PE

  • Can run multiple threads in shared memory
  • Used for $40$+ years

Communication through shared memory

  • Load/store commands to memory controller
  • Communication is implicit
  • Requires coordination

Coordination through shared memory

  • Complex topic
  • Memory models

Shared Memory Machine Programming

Threads or processes

  • Communication through memory

Synchronization through memory or OS objects

  • Lock/mutex (protect critical region)
  • Semaphore (generalization of mutex (binary sem.))
  • Barrier (synchronize a group of activities)
  • Atomic Operations (CAS, Fetch-and-add)
  • Transactional Memory (execute regions atomically)

Practical Models:

  • Posix threads (ugs, will see later)
  • MPI-3
  • OpenMP
  • Others: Java Threads

Distributed Memory Machine Programming

Explicit communication between PEs

  • Message passing or channels

Only local memory access, no direct access to remote memory

  • No shared resources (well, the network)
  • Less correctness issues – but now needs to think about data distribution

Programming model: Message Passing (MPI)

  • Communication through messages or group operations (broadcast, reduce, etc.)
  • Synchronization through messages (sometimes unwanted side effect) or group operations (barrier)
  • Typically supports message matching and communication contexts

DMM Example: Message Passing

  • Send specifies buffer to be transmitted
  • Recv specifies buffer to receive into
  • Implies copy operation between named PEs
  • Optional tag matching
  • Pair-wise synchronization (cf. happens before)


DMM MPI Compute Pi Example


DMM Example: Partitioned Global Address Space

Shared memory emulation for DMM: Usually non-coherent Distributed Shared Memory: Usually coherent PGAS Simplifies shared access to distributed data

  • Has similar problems as SMM programming
  • Sometimes lacks performance transparency


What is it? A set of compiler directives and a runtime library, with the goal of simplifying (and standardizing) how multi-threaded application are written. shutup OpenMP is based on Fork/Join model

  • When program starts, one Master thread is created
  • Master thread executes sequential portions of the program
  • At the beginning of parallel region, master thread forks new threads
  • All the threads together now forms a “team”
  • At the end of the parallel region, the forked threads die

What’s a Shared-Memory Program?

  1. One process that spawns multiple threads

  2. Threads can communicate via shared memory
    • Read/Write to shared variables
    • synchronization can be required!
  3. OS decides how to schedule threads


Parallel Regions

A parallel region identifies a portion of code that can be executed by different threads

  • You can create a parallel region with the parallel directive
  • You can request a specific number of threads with omp_set_num_threads(N)
  • Each thread will call p(ID,A) with a different value of ID
    • shutup
  • All the threads execute the same code
  • The A array is shared
  • Implicit synchronization at the end of the parallel region

Behind the scenes

  • The OpenMP compiler generates code logically analogous to that on the right
  • All known OpenMP implementations use a thread pool so full cost of threads creation and destruction is not incurred for each parallel region.
  • Only three threads are created because the last parallel section will be invoked from the parent thread.

False Sharing

If independent data elements happen to sit on the same cache line, each update will cause the cache lines to “slosh back and forth” between threads. shutup

Hot fix: pad arrays so elements you use are on distinct cache lines.

SPMD vs WorkSharing

A parallel construct by itself creates an SPMD or “Single Program Multiple Data” program … i.e., each thread redundantly executes the same code.

  • How do you split up pathways through the code between threads within a team?
    • Work Sharing: The OpenMP loop construct (not the only way to go)
  • The loop work-sharing construct splits up loop iterations among the threads in a team

Working with Loops

{: .prompt-tip} >

  • Find compute intensive loops
  • Make the loop iterations independent
  • So that they can safely execute in any order without loop-carried > dependencies
  • Place the appropriate OpenMP directive and test



OpenMP reduction clause:

  • reduction (op : list)

Inside a parallel or a work-sharing construct:

  • A local copy of each list variable is made and initialized depending on the “op” (e.g. 0 for “+”).
  • Updates occur on the local copy.
  • Local copies are reduced into a single value and combined with the original global value.

The variables in “list” must be shared in the enclosing parallel region.

Example: PI with loop construct


OpenMP - Synchronization

Synchronization is used to impose order constraints and to protect access to shared data

High level synchronization:

  • Critical, Atomic, Barrier, Ordered

Low level synchronization

  • Flush, Locks (both simple and nested)
BarrierEach thread waits until all threads arrive.
CriticalMutual exclusion: only one thread at a time can enter a critical region
AtomicMutual exclusion: only applies to the update of a memory location (the update of X in the following example)

Locks in OpenMP

Simple Locks

  • A simple lock is available if not set
  • Routines:
    • omp_init_lock/omp_destroy_lock: create/destroy the lock
    • omp_set_lock: acquire the lock
    • omp_test_lock: test if the lock is available and set it if yes. Doesn’t block if already set.
    • omp_unset_lock: release the lock

Nested Locks

  • A nested lock is available if it is not set OR is set and the calling thread is equal to the current owner
  • Same functions of the simple lock: omp_*_nest_lock

Note: a lock implies a memory fence of all the thread variables

Scoped Locking VS OMP Critical

Scoped LockingOMP Critical
it is allowed to leave the locked region with jumps (e.g. break, continue, return), this is forbidden in regions protected by the critical-directiveno need to declare, initialize and destroy a lock
scoped locking is exception safe, critical is notno need to include, declare and define a guard object yourself, as critical is a part of the language (OpenMP)
all criticals wait for each other, with guard objects you can have as many different locks as you likeyou always have explicit control over where your critical section ends, where the end of the scoped lock is implicit
 works for C and C++ (and FORTRAN)
 less overhead, as the compiler can translate it directly to lock and unlock calls, where it has to construct and destruct an object for scoped locking

Data sharing

The private directory doesn’t initialize the variables: shutup

Use firstprivate(number) to let OpenMP know to initialize private vars! shutup



Task synchronization - Shallow


Task synchronization - Deep


Dependencies between Tasks

What will this program print? shutup

The depend clause

We can tell OpenMP which variables we are reading, writing or updating

  • It allows us to implement arbitrary computational DAGs (!) shutup
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